5 Acts of Kindness
Kindness is the act of being polite, helpful, compassionate and thoughtful.
- Making children Smile:
I love making others smile especially the children and especially during local travelling. As we are in lockdown so it was impossible for me to travel for this act of kindness but still I managed to do it. Today I went to Masjid for Jummah Prayer and there was group of small girls sitting over there. After my namaz I went straight to them and talked to them in a little bit funny way that they laughed and I felt the real happiness. It’s pretty simple but a big act of kindness and cost free as well.
2. Relaxing Others about their Work Load:
I school some students of small age group in my home for some time. Today, my one student was overwhelmed with her work that she has to submit by tomorrow. She was actually worried. Being her teacher it was my responsibility to calm her down. I sat beside her and said: “ Noor, you have enough time to do this and I trust you’ll be able to do it right on time.” She felt calmed and started doing her work. This may seem weird or trifle to you but for me it was satisfying in a real sense.
3. I remind my friend to recite Surah Mulk at night:
I sent my friend the recording of Surah Mulk and this act of kindness is long lasting. :) Sadqa Jaria
4. Made burger for my sister:
My sister asked me to make her a burger. I said: “OKAY, (thinking that It’ll be an act of kindness and I will quote that in my blog later in.) I went into kitchen and got the burger ready in no time, then went to her to give her the burger but then She said: “Ab mera dil nae hai khanay ka.” I said wowww, came back to my rome and ate that myself. My intentions were fine so that burger was a gift from me to me. :P
5. Make my sister a nice cup of Tea:
It was raining outside when I was doing my project work :(. My younger sister requested me to make a cup of tea as she enjoy having tea in rain. As I was already late in doing my project work and was also a little frustrated because of PTCL internet connection (its get cringy when it is raining). First I said no to her than thinking of the writing this blog I suddenly said YES. She was surprised too. and then here is my 5th act of kindness done.