Khudi Educational Foundation.

Asma Afzal
6 min readJan 21, 2021


Kindness is magic, it's contagious. Developing a love for kindness will metamorph your life as you transform the lives of others. It is the most tangible, chargeless, and gratuitous act to do even when you have nothing to do. Every tender-hearted deed or act is eternal. A master and kind artist look at the world with an entirely different perception that is all the way different from someone who lacks vision. We all can train ourselves to think and ponder deeply about our community. When you see the world with a place to do kindness you see a totally distinctive world. You see a world full of opportunities, points of improvement, and something you can change on your own.

Kindness is magic.

“We rise by lifting others.” Robert Ingersoll

The finest gesture of kindness we can bestow someone with is the thought to upgrade their thinking process, the courage to buckle them up to excel ahead, to help them untangle their entangled vision and conviction.

In one of the videos Dr. Jardon B Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist, said: “You need to learn to THINK. Thinking makes you act effectively in the world. Thinking makes you win the battles you undertake, and those could be battles for good things.”

I, being a student, never received any of such kindness that was enough to upgrade my thought process. Then I joined Amal Fellowship Program that proved to be very kind-hearted for me. It cleared my vision, taught me to be kind-hearted enough and being interested rather than being interesting.

“Vision is the first creation of the future.” Tobi Delly

The mega project that we were assigned, as a group, was to search for any problem or area of improvement in the surroundings that is customarily overlooked but truly needs our kind attention. This was all just to bring into practice the skills that we learned at the very start i.e. leadership, teamwork, problem-solving and creative thinking. This is one of the ways this program makes us practice kindness as well.

We plan to start from a very small level and make students aware of the concept of Khudi (selfhood). I define Khudi as: “Putting all hard work on YOURSELF and make a big improvement.” Many students are heedless towards this concept and end up regretting their decisions in life. By playing our part we can help them find a way to organize their vision that will ultimately help them to be a better person in the future. After pondering a lot in our mega circle meetings, we figured out this problem and started finding tangible solutions for this problem.

For this purpose, we have decided to conduct some on-site, interactive sessions in school; Rachna Executive School System. The audience we selected is the students of grade 9th and 10th. The content of the sessions, we have designed till now, includes some examples and activities that will keep the students indulge in the sessions. The topics that we have selected so far include the discussion on some of the most required soft skills, Time Management, focus, Self Confidence, and leadership; and selecting the right career according to the interests.


Session 1: Introduction and Time Management.

Session 2: Self Confidence and Leadership.

Session 3: Focus.

Session 4: Insight about career counseling.

(Each session will be of 90 Minutes)

As the fourth session’s topic is complicated and difficult to address, so we have invited a Guest speaker, Mr. Muzammil, who has immense experience in career counseling. He will be guiding the students according to their understanding.

Division of Labour

“When you divide the process you harmonized the product.”

Ernest Agyeman

Nature follows the divisions of labor at every possible level to attain perfection. We can see this example in the physiology of a single cell in the human body. How every organelle performs its assigned task that becomes the collective task of the whole cell. Following the same, I, being the circle leader, has enlisted all the duties and divide the task in every group member, to attain as much perfection as we can.

Division of Labor

Documentation: Memoona Sajid and Qulzam Abbas

It is important to document every planning we are doing for the sake of record-keeping. They both keep a record of our discussions in our meetings and whatever activities we have been doing for the last two weeks. They also design the descriptions of social media posts.

Contacting the School: Khurram Asif

As Khurram was having some personal contact with the school so he used that contact and make our reservations in the already mentioned school.

Social Media Handling: Arsalan Ashraf

Spreading our words and cause among the public is very significant. For this Arslan has taken the responsibility to handle social media pages. He creates relevant posts and makes the public aware of our kind cause. Please visit our Facebook Page via this link, and see our progress there.

Curriculum and Content Creation: Amina Rahim, Majid Gabol, Ayesha Malik, and Asma Afzal

Creating the relevant content is the most crucial part of this project so we all are working as a team for this purpose. Our content includes some lectures, examples, and some interesting activities as well.

Blog Writing: Asma Afzal

This task is specially assigned by our mentors in AMAL Fellowship Program. The purpose of this writing is to practice communication: writing, professionally. I, in collaboration with my all team members, am doing this task.


The most challenging thing was to find a tangible and executable solution for this problem and it took us many days to find out that. Many times I even decided to overlook it and think of any other easy thing to do. But at every such decision, we as group members encouraged one another to excel in the same domain. And we are here to present our project in the form of a blog, that itself was enough to reshape my thinking.

How to evaluate the progress?

This was the most challenging thing to figure out. Because the output can motivate us to carry this on. For this purpose, we designed a questionnaire that we will get filled/solved by the students both before and after the sessions. This contains some critical questions like:

  1. What fascinates you?
  2. What maximum do you want from your life?
  3. What you are willing to do for your country, Pakistan?

The responses of the students to these questions, both before and after, the session will help us to evaluate our progress.

Future Goals:

Hopefully, if these sessions go successful, then we have a plan to carry on this project even our fellowship ends. This way we’ll keep playing our part as university students.

