The Journey of Self Discovery

Asma Afzal
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


“There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you.” Michelle Sandlin

We live in a hustling world where we are so over-embellished with our responsibilities that the first thing that we neglect is Ourselves. We are so unknowledgeable about our goals, our talents, our insights that we never try to focus on them. That is the reason the young generation these days is depressed and ambiguous about their goals and what actually they want to achieve in this life. We are fully unaware of the significance of self-reflection, self-discovery, self-awareness, and clarity of the heeding paths.

The real dilemma is that our educational institutes are unable to focus on the noteworthiness of Self Discovery. The process of self-discovery is the one in which a person is guided through self-questioning and probing his own thoughts, words and actions. This will lead to a deeper understanding of who truly you are.

Since my childhood, I have been listening to the quote:

“The two most important days in your life are the one when you are born and the day you find out why.”

I never tried to give a thought to this quote as I was unenlightened by the importance of self-discovery. Stepping into The Amal Fellowship Program, I was given a chance to think about myself and discover myself. Now at the end of my Amal Fellowship Program when I read this quote I can better understand the cruciality of Self Reflection and self-discovery.

When I compare the past me and the now me I can easily differentiate my approach towards my goals in life and problems I face while heeding forward. Now I am better clear about my targets and how I can pay back to my society. For the previous Asma, it was very difficult to think about being creative among the crowd, starting the conversation, putting herself into a difficult situation. I was always unconscious about approaching people for help.

During my time in the Amal Fellowship Program, I have learned and practiced a lot of new things, getting out of my comfort zone, going an extra mile, putting some more effort into something. Doing this I have been able to bring a lot of changes into me. The first thing, that impacted me, you can see in the picture below:

My first Achievement in Amal

Although this achievement is not big enough to be mentioned, the lesson that I learned because of this is really big enough that I can remember for the whole of my life. This award made me realize that I can do anything. If with a small effort I was able to stand out in a group of 60 people then with a little more effort I can be able to stand out among more people as well.

This journey of Amal was a journey of self-discovery for me. Before Amal, I used to see a problem around me as a problem and now I see problems as opportunities. My perspective on how I see things have totally changed. I am ready to accept new challenges and work on myself as well. Now I realize the importance of getting out of my comfort zone as I know:

“True self-discovery begins when your comfort zone ends.”

The previous me was unable to recognize the inner talents and was never an oriented person. During the earlier online courses of Amal Fellowship, I self-reflected a lot and was able to know my goals. I also practiced organizing my tasks that will ultimately lead to the accomplishment of my goals.

Consequently, now I am a person who is target-oriented. I know how to execute what I am thinking and how to just start the thing. All the new learnings from Amal help me to become a self-aware person. This road to self-awareness was an incredible journey. Now I feel ready to accept the challenges and work on myself to make me an empowered person.

